ABB/Rapid related. Will let you specify array size and generate declaration content.
ArrayGenerator[2012-01-20][102402].rar - 15KB - download
Latest version: 2012-01-20
Downloads: 989
ABB/Rapid related. Will allow you to copy/paste your quaternions and then rotate them by euler angles on the fly. Copy/paste your new rotated quaternions back into your rapid program.
NOTE! This program requires RobotStudio to be installed. Download RobotStudio
OrientCalc[2012-01-20][102434].rar - 34KB - download
Latest version: 2012-01-20
Downloads: 1027
NOTE! New online version available, no downloads necessary!
ABB related. Will automaticly perform a backup of one or several ABB controllers. Install this program on any windows PC with access to all your robotcontrollers and this program will perform a backup of each and download the backups to a safe location.
NOTE! This program requires RobotStudio to be installed. Download RobotStudio
RobotBackup[20121129][194645].rar - 102KB - download
Latest version: 2012-11-29
Downloads: 905
Used to generate random numbers for lotteries. Custom made for a local soccer clubs fundraising events.
LoddTrekker[2022-04-21].zip - 40KB - download
Latest version: 2022-04-21
Downloads: 125
• Logo2Rapid
• Image2Rapid
• ASCII vector animation
• Sudoku generator
• SUDOKU solver
• Website keyword generator
• Image2ASCII converter
Used to quickly set up a result-table from voting entries. Simply type in votes and watch the results generate on the fly. Also works with OpenOffice.
fotoklubb_poengteller.xls - 75KB - download
Latest version: 2011-05-03
Downloads: 1094
Some old graphical animations programmed in QBasic. The pixel-tunnel was compiled using FirstBasic which had a more efficient compiler. It still works on Win7, but the others which were compiled using QBasic requires an older system. WinXP/Win98.
qbasic_www-straumland-com.rar - 125KB - download
Latest version: 2003-12-01
Downloads: 980